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When can Sec 11 of RTI Act be invoked?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 18 January 2023, 4:48 PM)

Section 11 can be invoked only if the information relates to or has been supplied by a third party and has been treated as confidential by the 3rd party.


When did the amended RTI Act came into force?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 18 January 2023, 4:16 PM)

The 2019 amendment bill amended Section 13 and Section 16 of the Act, 2005, regarding term of office and conditions of service of Information Commissioners.


Where shall an application be submitted?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 18 January 2023, 2:15 PM)

The application shall be submitted before the PIO/APIO of the concerned public authority.

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